Ideation Space by WITZIG The Office Company

A Room for Prototyping


In spring 2021, an Ideation Space will open on 100 square meters on The 5th Floor in collaboration with WITZIG The Office Company. The concept of Ideation Space and Office as a Service originated in 2016 with the research paper External Ideation Spaces as an Innovation Tool (Rittnier & Steinert 2016), in which the "balanced interplay between a well-guided design process and a correspondingly diversely equipped idea space" is addressed.


  Qnami Team Photo


The end product Ideation Space is quasi "a kind of workshop with high functionality, appealing symbolism and aesthetics, as well as different working and meeting zones. A space where people don't spend a lot of time discussing, but rather making, in which ideas find their immediate implementation after visualization. You feel comfortable, the light is just right, as are the acoustics and the atmosphere" (Ideation Space - the space for new ideas).

The Ideation Space on The 5th Floor in Muttenz (BL) is the first Ideation Space to be opened in Northwestern Switzerland and at the same time also highlights the characteristics of the city of Basel in the design concept. We sat down with Carmen Schumacher from WITZIG The Office Company to talk about the design process for the 7th Ideation Space.

1. How does the Ideation Space concept differ from conventional workshop or creative spaces?

Instead of comparing it to existing or different spaces, I'd rather talk about the advantages and the special appearance of this space. Because

...the space tells a story. The look is different and the design deliberately stands out from an actual office atmosphere. Here you can escape from your usual working environment into our Basler Trämli and look out over the beautiful Rhine during the ride. And when you get off, you leave the familiar surroundings behind and can fully surrender to the creative influence and charisma of this place. Let yourself be surprised!

... the design and furnishing of this space is multivariable and ultra-flexible. The room is planned in the open space concept. That is, it shows little fixed structure. Therefore, we have only two fixed fixtures here. One is a storage space to store the equipment (furniture, tools, etc.). The other is the stage, which can be used as a presentation area. In between, the free space is enriched with flexible furniture. This is chosen in such a way that it can be easily moved and used for very different settings. It is writable, rollable, movable, reusable.

...The best for the end: When your head is buzzing and your thoughts need a time-out, you get to take a break with fun and games. They say that the best ideas "happen" all by themselves during breaks.

2. What exactly is the vision behind the Ideation Space Basel?

To create a space that is different from an ordinary and familiar meeting room or the working environment of one's own office or company. An "escape situation" is created, in which one can immerse oneself in another world, optimally equipped. With all the amenities, tools and utilities to kick-start the creative urge. An Ideation Space is the home of innovation and creativity methods such as Creative Thinking, Design Thinking, Prototyping or even times for concentrated project work and team building.

Carmen Schumacher, Creative Planner at WIZTIG The Office Company

Impressions of the Space: