Corporate Culture and Remote Work

Flexible working is no longer a dream of the future - it is the new daily routine for companies today. What does this mean for corporate culture?


  Foto mit Lego-Steinen in verschiedenen Farben   Foto mit Lego-Steinen in verschiedenen Farben

Remote-Work: Recently, a trend has beocme a necessity for many companies - even in the longer term. Surverys show that although working from home is currently the most popular option, flexible workign methods and working from a distance ar eno longer the exception but the norm for an increasing number of companies.

This also has conseuqences for the corporate culture. It is becoming increasingly difficult to assume that employees will regularly come together physically as a team. Many processes and agreemeents must be adpated to the new circumstances. For this reason, internal comnmunication and its channels and processes in particular need to be rethough or redesigned. Creative solutions need to be found and various companies are currently demonstrating how this can be achieved.

The allianz Suisse, for instance, launched the "Radio Allianz " podcast to provide regular information to up to 90 percent of its employees who regularly work from home. Discussions with the CEO, home schooling, specialist interviews with managers - these are some of the topics of the broadcast. they were supplemented by an information platform that was maintained and updated by the HR derpartment.

As surveys show, this proactive and continuous information policy is certainly having an impact. According to a German study , 71 percent of the employees surveyed felt that their companies had provided them with sufficient information during the first acute phase of the corona pandemic, and a large proportion trusted in crisis management. For experts , it is clear that this can only be achieved by close and intensive cooperation between internal communications, HR and IT, especially in times of crisis and in the course of the digitaltransformation. Digital tools and platforms facilitate coordination - and are likely to remain a success factor beyond the corona crisis.

The 5th Floor provides tenants with ideal conditions for short-temr and flexible collaboration and virtual meetings, and its state-of-the-art infrastructure also guarantees safe and hygienic working conditions. Learn more about our offering .

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